The Love War Erotic Tickling Story Part 2

Twenty minutes had passed.

The shopgirls fingers had stopped working for mere moments in all that time. Gina’s feet, ankles and knees had been thoroughly tickled. The shopgirl had not tickled or touched Gina anywhere above her knees. Gina’s cries for help and hoarse laughter had become quiet sighs and light spasmodic moans.

“Nice, isn’t it.” the shopgirl said as she worked, “To be tied down and tickled. Of course, my profession does not allow me the luxury these days.”

Gina’s eyes found the shopgirls and all she could do, for the hundredth time, was give a confused and quzzical look. The shopgirl frowned slightly and stopped tickling.

“You poor dear. All of this must be so confusing. I don’t know how they do things where you come from. Perhaps a bribe here, a murdering there, a torture now and then.” she grimaced, “Such a distasteful, wild society.”

Gina almost had her breath back, but not completely, “You… wh… what…” she muttered.

“Shh.” shopgirl cooed, “Get your strength back. I’ll have a few questions to ask you soon.” she walked around to lightly caress, but not tickle, Gina’s feet again, “Such lovely feet.” she said absently, “I almost hope that you won’t answer my questions.” and she smiled into Gina’s eyes, “But perhaps you won’t – on purpose, yes? Give me a chance to tickle those wonderful, delectable thighs.” she ran her fingertips up Gina’s shin to her knee. She tapped the restrained woman’s knee once, “You might like that.”

Gina’s chest was rising and falling almost evenly now. Her cheeks were red and the cleavage of her chest was cold with sweat. Her wrists and ankles ached from pulling at her restraints. Her shoulder muscles and hips ached with the involuntary heaving and thrashing they’d been subjected to. Her nipples ached from rubbing against her bra and, between her legs, her panties had become like damp tissue paper. Her blouse was stuck to her abdomen and armpits.

The tickling had pushed her towards, through and beyond new experiences that she did not know that she was capable of experiencing. It had started as an agonising, inescapable and inexplicable torment of forced laughter and involuntary thrashing. But the shopgirl – whoever she really was – was an expert in the art of tickling. The light caresses of her fingers had kept Gina insensible, speechless and utterly helpless. And there had been something else that Gina had been surprised and frightened to realise.

It had been erotic.

“I’m not permitted the privilege anymore.” shopgirl said quietly, “Of being tied and tickled, I mean. There’s too much at stake and nobody left to trust. I’m like you, my dear, you see. I’m very ticklish and I’m very aware of how irresistable being tied and tickled is, how susceptible being tied and tickled makes a person to interrogation. In my position, I can’t trust anyone.” she breathed a long sigh, “Not anymore.”

Gina at last could talk. She thought very carefully before she did. Somehow she figured that her words were going to be very expensive whilst she was in her current position.

“I’ll answer any questions you want me to.” she said, “I can’t take any more tickling. Just tell me what you want to know and…”

“Shhh” The shopgirl cupped her hand under Gina’s right knee and touched her lightly there, “I don’t need you to cooperate. As a matter of fact, I’d prefer you didn’t.” she tickled Gina there for a few seconds. Enough to make Gina shake her leg but not enough to make her lose control. “I’m not tickling you until you break and answer my questions. The method is much too refined to take chances like that. It would be quite easy, my dear, for you to pretend to break and pretend to spill your naughty little secrets. Thats why we have the process.”

“I think you have me mistaken for someone else.” said Gina quickly, “I’m Gina Davies. I work for Iorcomm Electronics. I’m a personal assistant. I’m not anyone special.”

Gina felt the backs of her knees being tickled again, softly like the slightest silken touch of spiderwebs being dragged over her skin.

“I know who you are.” said shopgirl.

“Tell me… what you…” Gina grimaced and squeezed her eyes shut, “Tell me what you want.”

The tickling fingers moved upwards from Gina’s knees to the backs of her thighs.

“I wish I could believe you would tell me the truth, but I can’t.” smiled shopgirl, “Thats why we have to do things this way.” her fingers started to tickle the soft skin above Gina’s knees. “You’ll appreciate this, eventually.” She tickled under Gina’s knees with a sudden vigour, her trimmed nails only barely scratching the delicate soft skin there as her fingertips lightly stroked and teased the light white skin there. “You’ll appreciate this a whole lot more than you’ll ever imagine that you could.”

“Wh…wha…he haa…”

The shopgirls fingers were all round Gina’s knees one moment and then lightly running up her ankles and the soles of her feet the next. Gina squirmed in tickle hell, her body tingling from head to toe and a strange fire starting to burn between her legs.

“You like this.”

“No I do..ho ho..ho ..nnnn..nn.”

“Yes you do.”

Gina’s feet were tickled again, shopgirls fingers teasing and tickling between her toes and around the arch which had withstood so much stress in her 4 inch heels earlier that day. Then the tickling fingers were climbing up Gina’s ankles, a spiralling ascent which Gina’s body could not resist in her tied up state and which her mind was also beginning to have trouble resisting.

“My Go..God.dd.” she exhaled sharply, astonished at her feelings, “Oh no no.. he ho ho ho” she sighed quietly, “Oh no…”

The shopgirls fingers tickled under Gina’s knees again.

“I think you’d like me to tickle your thighs now.” smiled Shopgirl.

Tickling fingers all round the knees, tingling and teasing, wanting to go higher…higher.


“You know that you do.”

Feet, soles ablaze with a delicious fire, tickled mercilessly. Toes red and tired of struggling, bent back in helpless abandon. Tickling fingers finding the soft skin between each digit, knowing where to touch and how to touch. The feeling…irresistible.

“Would you like me to go higher?”

“No no no no ha ha ha ha”

The shopgirls fingers were climbing Gina’s ankles and the hot, crazy, ticklish sensations of confused erotic pleasure and frustrated helplessness continued to grow and grow.

“I think you’d like me to, sweetie.” Shopgirl soothed, “And you know you only have to ask.”

Her knees were the target of this erotic, elaborate and insane torment once more. But the feeling was different now. The tickling was intense, but it was not a shock to the system that it had been the first time. Her body had expected the touch this time and, although it was too much, it was not mindblowingly so. And a part of her now had the chance to realise that this could actually feel very, very good. If only…

“Higher?” cooed Shopgirl.

The fingers danced circles round Gina’s knees, from back to front of each knee and unstopping in their gentle assault on her senses. Yes, it could feel very good indeed. If only the feeling went…

“Higher?” the Shopgirl’s voice was light, almost unheard, like the wind catching on the branch of a tree in the forest at night.

“Higher.” Gina said.

“Good girl.” said the Shopgirl, “I knew you’d love this.”

The fingers of her left hand tickled under Gina’s inner right thigh and the fingers of her right hand tickling Gina’s inner left thigh, “I am sure we’ll be ready to talk in just no time at all.”

Shopgirl caressed Gina’s thighs as much as she tickled them. She loved the soft smoothless of the innocent virgin white skin. It astonished her to think that this girl had never been tickled before. She stepped up the pace of her tickling, her professional side taking over as she reminded herself of her goal. The interrogation could not begin until Gina had succumbed willingly to her first tickle-gasm, and that was still some way away. Shopgirl moved her fingers lightly round the edges of Gina’s panties, almost touching her there but just missing the target by mere millimetres. Her tickle-victim shook the x frame with a renewed vigour, but just for a moment.

“Oooh!” Gina exclaimed, “Stop tickling me there! I’m not a lesbian! Just stop that right now!” she cried out. She struggled violently against her bondage but it was useless. She was tightly strapped into her bindings.

“Welcome to stage two of the process.” smiled the shopgirl. “This is a real pleasure. You have the most delicious legs.” she danced her fingertips around Gina’s thighs, making figure eights and gentle teasing circles an inch from her pantyline, “But I’m sure you knew that already.”

Gina squeezed her eyes shut. She fought the intense tickling sensations and the strange tingling that had started to build between her legs. She could feel herself getting loose down there, damp and hot. Her panties kept brushing against her engorged clit, heightening her arousal. Then, just once, the shopgirls finger brushed against her pantied pussy lips. Just once and just lightly, like the tiniest ghost of a touch. But a touch nonetheless.

“Hey!” Gina glared at the shopgirl, “You keep your goddamned hands out of there!” she was so shocked that the idiots grin was replaced with a stern countenance. Shopgirl’s fingers stopped moving. She looked almost disappointed.

“Of course.”

Gina drew her breath slowly. Her private parts still tingled with anticipation and she was suddenly very uncomfortably aware of her erect nipples, moist panties and sweating heaving chest. She felt embarassed in her arousal and slightly stunned that she found herself almost hoping that the shopgirl was going to torture her some more.

“I helped to write the system and yet I still forget the correct procedures.” she smiled shyly, “I’m sorry, Gina. You were very right to bring me to a halt.”

“Yes!” Gina snapped, “I’m finally getting through to you. Good.” she pulled at her wriststraps angrily, “Now kindly release my hands so I can slap your goddamned face!”

It was clear then that Shopgirl had no intention of releasing Gina. She was walking away from the x frame towards the pink wall. She stopped and turned round before she walked through. Her eyes met Gina’s.

“My colleagues will help you to the next stage. I will catch up with you later sweetie.”

Before Gina could protest, Shopgirl exitted through the wall which shimmered like jelly and then became solid once more.

“What the fuck is going on here.” she muttered to herself. She hadn’t expected the shopgirl to stop tickling her ever. She hadn’t expected anything except an inevitable, inescapable nightmare of tickling. But why had it suddenly stopped? It seemed that she’d said something to stop the shopgirl. But what had she said? Shopgirl had said something about procedures for interrogation. Yes, that was it. She was being interrogated and there were procedures to be followed, procedures that the shopgirl had almost broken. Gina had reminded the shopgirl of the procedure’s course. This surely meant that there was a step or steps in this strange procedure still to follow.

“Oh God…” she pulled with all her might against the x-frame but it was a complete waste of time. She kept at her struggling for a few long seconds before giving up. She missed the two Japanese girls entering the room through the walls. They were standing before her when she opened her eyes.

“Jesus Christ. Am I trapped in some kind of sick fucking cartoon or something?”

The two Japanese girls were identical twins, each with shoulder length jet black hair and each wearing an identical skimpy pink mini-skirted outfit with a silver utility belt. Those were the most noticable features of the girls as they sauntered lazily towards the x frame upon which Gina lay spreadeagled and pink from a long bout of tickling. They both grinned at each other cheekily as they came nearer. As they approached Gina could make out their strong dark eye make-up and striking luminescent pink lipstick. They had fishnet stockings and purple high-heeled shoes. The heels were very high and the girls walked like they hadn’t learned to walk in the heels yet.

“My name is Miika. My friend is Luna.” the Japanese accented voice was a lilting song, “You very tickly girl, we can tell.” they both giggled together, sharing a naughty little joke “You very tickly girl with many many secrets.”

“My God.” Gina leaned her head back as much as she could and she closed her eyes in enraged frustration, “All I want to do is get out of here. Now would you two goddamned idiots release me now before I…”

“You no call us idiots.” Luna chided gently, “We experts in tickling interrogation. We make you giggle. We make you come. We make you ready for Mistress Anastasia. She ask you questions.” they giggled together again, “When next you see Mistress Anastasia you have very much to say I know!”

A cold sweat ran up Gina’s back. Had the Japanese girl said what it had sounded like she’d said?

“You’re going to do what?”

“You very sexy.” hissed Miika. She had reached the x frame and walked round to Gina’s right side whilst Luna remained on her left. “You very sexy woman. Very powerful woman where you come from.”

“Sexy sexy.” tittered Luna, agreeing with her colleague, “I like.”

“We like.” Miika laid her hand on Gina’s hip, touching her lace panties.

“We want to make you feel very sexy now.” Luna soothed quietly.

“So very sexy.” her colleague said quietly.

Gina took a deep breath and she fixed Miika with her hardest and most meaningful gaze.

“Listen to me very carefully.” she snarled, “I want to know whats going on and I want to know now. Who are you people? How are you able to walk through the walls and…” her mind buzzed with questions, “How are you…” she suddenly felt a little lightheaded, “How…he…” She noticed that Miika was exchanging a mischievous glance with Luna. When she turned her head to the see the other Japanese girl she noted the object in Luna’s hand. A silver cylinder no larger than an average mobile phone. A purple vapour flowing from the cylinder and surrounding her face and shoulders, “Wha?? Oh no…” Gina had time to say before she felt the extreme buzzed sensation flowing over her. She was stoned in an instant and, in the next moment, she was a gibbering wreck. “Muhhh.. whuu…mmmm” she couldn’t talk anymore and the two Japanese girls found this extremely entertaining. They nudged and pushed each other playfully and exchanged mirthful, mischievous expressions.

“Luna’s gas too strong for you.” Miika laughed, “So sorry. We only want you to relax and enjoy yourself. Yes?”

“Yes.” Luna chimed in as Gina’s eyes rolled in her head and she tried to focus on the source of the voices, her head a yawning chasm of chaos, “You breathe deep and soon you be back with us.”

Gina could not make sense of the Japanese girls anymore. Breathing was all that she could do now and, for the next five minutes, she lay there wasted out of her mind. The two Japanese girls took the opportunity to snip away Gina’s sodden panties, her dishevelled and crumpled blouse and her worn out bra. Gina was not even aware that this was happening and even when she realised she was too stoned to be concerned. Holding the same chain of thought was completely out of the question for another five minutes. Then, even when she could, the giggling had started. She couldn’t control it. It was like someone had implanted a giggle-generating machine in her stomach.

It was the gas’s actual purpose and it worked very well. But the designers of the gas had not designed it with human physiology in mind. It was too strong for the frail human nervous system and had overloaded Gina completely. But now the effect had worn off enough that the two Japanese girls could begin their work.

“Ah we are coming back to Earth now.” Miika smiled. Luna nodded in agreement.

Gina could only utter barely audible mewing titters which made the two Japanese girls smile. Gina was aware that she had been undressed but the euphoric effects of the overstrong giggle gas had made her not care about such things. Her body had been sufficiently “warmed up” by the mysterious Shopgirl who Gina now realised was called Anastasia and her nerve endings were like electricity.

“I am so excited for you.” whispered Luna as she put her lips close to Gina’s ear, “Your first tickle-gasm. We make it so so sweet for you.”

“Yes.” agreed Miika, closing in on Gina’s other ear, “We make it so very nice.”

“Sexy nice.”

“Yes. Like sweet naughty sexy nice.”

And then Gina remembered or realised or became aware of what her fate would be in her bound, naked and particularly giggly situation. She thought about protesting but the very thought was so ludicrous that she laughed out loud, uncontrollably. Everything was so goddamned hilarious!

“Ah.. ha ha ha ha yes yes” she found herself saying, “Yes ha ha ha ha.”

The Japanese girls laughed along with her and reached their pink fingernailed hands towards Gina’s naked body, “We give you extra special giggling tickle gasm, as it is your first.” they tittered, “You will like so much.”

Gina was lost in the gas’s euphoria. She couldn’t think straight, let alone protest or even respond besides muted whimpers and giggles.

The tickling fingers started on Gina’s abdomen and, as the purple giggle gas hazed around her, she renewed her laughter. Her eyes were streaming salty tears of laughter as she felt one set of fingers climb over her stomach towards her breasts whilst another dipped across her hip towards her trimmed bush. She did not know which girl was tickling which part of her body. She did not care. She felt fingers beneath her breasts. The gas was making her insane with laughter and about as weak as a kitten.

“Your skin very very soft.”

“We like.”

“Very much” they both laughed.

The lower curve of her breasts was being tickling, both at the same time, by Miika or Luna’s fingertips. She squirmed in erotic abandon, gassed senseless, as more fingertips lightly scratched around her abdomen, moving lower towards her pubic triangle. Giggling and wriggling in a naked helpless trance, Gina could do nothing but enjoy the ride as the cheek Japanese girls played her body like a harp. They tittered and nudged one another over Gina’s torso as they tickle-teased their victim. Fingers lightly caressed Gina’s breasts now, moving from underneath to the sides and then inwards to her painfully erect nipples. Another set of fingers moving through the hair just below her abdomen.

“I… I…” Gina’s eyes bugged out and she tried to protest again but the gas had her in its velvet grip, “I ha ha hhee no you mustn’t. Mnn he he.”

“Ooh but we must.” Luna was between Gina’s legs now, her fingers so close the Gina’s moistness, “We think you must too!”

“Yes.” Miika swept the palms of her hands over Gina’s nipples, as light as a feather.

“Ooooohhh ho noo nh hoheha hnnn.” Gina shook her head from side to side. Her nipples felt like they might explode. She had some of her senses back now. Her rapid breathing had drawn enough oxygen to burn off the worst of the giggle gas’s effects. But she was still lost to it and, worse than that, her body was lost to the attentions of the two tickling Japanese girls. Miika swept her hands over Gina’s nipples again and then underneath and around the sides of her breasts.

“We welcome you to the ancient art of Japanese tickle-gasm.” Miika breathed into Gina’s ear, “I hope you like.”

Gina opened her mouth to speak.

Luna’s fingers finally reached her pussy.


The outer lips of her pussy had swollen so much that there was a cute valley between them for Luna to run her fingers along. As she did this Gina knew that she would come. The orgasm started even as Luna brushed her clit with the first stroke. But she fought it. A reflex action. She wasn’t a lesbian. She didn’t want to succumb to…

“Japanese giggling tickle-gasm!” the two Japanese girls laughed in unison.

Gina’s face was a mask of gassed laughing chaos, confused sexual release and a strange fear of passing a threshold she never ever imagined that she would. The tickling of her nipples and breasts continued as the other Japanese tickled all round her pussy, from the puckered bud of her anus right up to the tip of her clit. Luna’s fingers wiggled round her swollen labia and swirled round her tight clit. Gina’s orgasm was catastrophic.

“Good clever girl.” said Luna, “I love your tickly, tickly pussy.”

Gina’s eyes locked with Luna’s as the fell crashing, thrashing and screaming into giggling tickle-gasm. The laughing gas still had its hold on her and she could not stop laughing even as her nervous system crashed, rebooted and crashed again – and again. The tickling continued between her legs; expert fingers prolonging her orgasm as she writhed and squirmed in ecstatic abandon. She was aware of the fingers teasing, pulling, tickling, stroking and caressing her nipples also and it felt like her whole body had been made for this moment alone.

She did not remember passing out. But she opened her eyes to find shopgirl / Anastasia standing by the x-frame. The gas had worn off and she was suddenly aware of her nakedness. But when she looked down at her body she noted that her breasts were covered by a scarlet silk handkerchief. Another covered her still tingling sex. Anastasia was smiling. In her hands she was holding at least 6 different kinds of feathers. The Japanese girls had gone.

“I brought these along for the next part of our procedure.” Anastasia said gently, “But I figured you might be ready to tell me your secrets now sweetie.”

Gina frowned. Her stern, defiant countenance became one of soft defeat.

“Yes. she whispered, “I’ll tell you anything you want.”

Anastasia kissed Gina’s left cheek once.

“I know.” she said, “Everybody does.”