Sexy Soapy Bubbles Lesbian Fun

Some erotic magic here at the hands of your hot hostesses. You’ll be magically tickled, tingled, encouraged to stroke yourself. The girls have you completely under your control – until I turn the tables on them! MORE INFORMATION

Tickling Bubbles

A magical fantasy hypnorotic tickling experience for ticklish guys. After a gentle hypnorotic induction you’ll visit my sexy spa where Gina and Mandy are waiting for you. Both lovely ladies are covered from head to toe in my magical tickling bubbles and having the times of their lives. You’ll listen to their orgasmic struggles as I command you to stroke to orgasm. Be careful – there’s a little nipple tickling involved too!

In this clip I provide positive reinforcement as you jerk all the way to a ticklish orgasm, covered in my terribly ticklish tickling bubblesMORE INFORMATION